Build On Your Lot
Our turn-key home price starts at $159 per square feet of the total area under roof (known as TAUR). This price is based on a home with at least 2,000/sf TAUR.
Example - You want a two story home with 2,500sf a living space plus a three car garage (600sf), 100sf of covered patio and a large rear patio (300sf). If you add up living, garage and covered porches/patios, the TAUR would be 3,500/sf.
3,500sf is the TAUR. Then you multiply this by $159 to come up with what we would charge you for a fully completed home.
What is included for the $159/sf price? Click Here
This price includes our team to design and generate full construction plans for you. So
bring us your design ideas, pictures, drawings and thoughts and we will figure out a way to build you a custom home
on your budget.
ROSO is a small boutique builder. We only build 15-20 homes a year. We don't believe is spending money for a fancy offices or a design studio . We believe spending money on technology, building materials and on our team (designers, vendors and contractors). Our office is your construction site! We hope you will give us any opportunity to go over your ideas, budget and time table to see if we are the right builder for you. Give us 1% of your trust and we will earn the other 99%.
George Roddy - CEO / Owner - ROSÖ Homes
*** ROSO HOMES RETAINS THE RIGHT TO ADJUST ALL PRICES IN THE EVENT OF SHORTAGES, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS, FREIGHT INCREASES, OR GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS. ** Unless otherwise specified, all prices shall only be valid for 30 days from the date on contract and/or quote.**
Call us: 972-945-7676
Email us:
1415 Legacy Dr. Ste.350
Frisco,Tx 75034
© 2023 All Rights Reserved | Roso Homes
All Rights Reserved | Roso Homes